Friday, October 17, 2008

Email to family...

I got a great response back from my email to Jim B. concerning the Mitchell DNA latest results.

Jim M's DNA results came in yesterday and shows a match to me -- although not exact -- but close enough to convince me that indeed we are indeed Mitchell descendants from Shatteen as we have been claiming all these years. So I am a happy camper today! DAD

P.S. Forward my out-bound to Jim B. to Matt w/ a cc to Graham. I wanted Matt to be able to pick up the James Mitchell research should I something unexpectedly happen to me.

In that vain I want to make sure Matt has all my electronic files concerning Amelia County too. So that is my next focus is to gather that info together and pass it off.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim B.
Sent: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 8:10 am
Subject: RE: Got A DNA Match to Another Amelia Co, VA Mitchell


This is great news;

I descend from Thomas son of John, and can give you more info on our family. Per the DAR application for John MITCHELL (m Obedience VAUGHN), John was born in England, and got to Virginia in time to be in the RevWar.

Attached is an outline of the family


From: Ron Mitchell
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 5:37 AM
To: Jim B.
Subject: Got A DNA Match to Another Amelia Co, VA Mitchell

From Ron Mitchell DNA Kit 15119 Code: B4025

Jim, Just wanted to share some news. I recruited a 2nd cousin with a different grandfather to test. Yesterday I received notice from FamilyTree DNA that his partial results were posted. He has 24 posted with another 13 pending.

But more exciting to me was notification a few weeks ago of another DNA match that is tied to Mitchells in Amelia County.

The match is with Donald Edward Mitchell (Y37) [email removed].

He just recently did the DNA test and his results were posted only about 4 weeks ago. The email address shown is actually that of Donald's mother who is their family genealogist. When his match appeared on my list, I quickly sent out my family history information to that email address and found out that it belongs to Ann Mitchell of Tennessee. I was most pleased that Ann has also traced her ancestry back to Amelia County, VA. I was very familiar with her John Mitchell, 1758-1836, married to Obedience Vaughan. For a time, that couple was one of my candidate parents for our Shatteen C. Mitchell, 1802-1867. Later, Shatteen's parents were proved to be James Mitchell and Mary Ann (Polly) Craddock. I have done some research on John and Obedience in the last few weeks and will attach what I have on them in a Word Document. This information I obtained literally in the last couple of weeks.

This is exactly what I was hoping that the DNA would be able to tell us. Bottom line: While I don't know how we are related to John Mitchell, the DNA testing shows that my James shares a common ancestor with John, possibly father or grandfather. I am very pleased that the DNA testing has paid off for me after many years of waiting for some meaningful results. Have a great week end! -- Ron Mitchell

Attached to the email was a document called Mitchell Outline.doc

Thomas MITCHELL Sr bc1700 England; d 1746 England; mc1727 Mary COLTHERD 1701-1755 England (William+ )
1. Thomas MITCHELL Jr c1727-<1768 England; m 1752 England Jane HETHERINGTON 1732-1810 England

A* John MITCHELL 1763 England-1840 Wd 1836 Montgomery Co, VA; m 1786 Amelia Co, VA Obediance VAUGHAN >1765 Amelia Co, VA->1838 Montgomery Co, VA (James + Ann HILL)
-1769 Amelia; RevWar: Fife Major VA, PNSR-1810s; 1815-24 Botetourt; Montgomery Co, VA
1. Nancy H MITCHELL c1787->1836; m 1807 Amelia Co, VA Robert FOSTER
2. Elizabeth P MITCHELL c1788->1836; m 1808 Amelia Co, VA Levi DEATON, Jr
3* Thomas MITCHELL 1791 Amelia; d c1866; m 1817 Botetourt Co, VA Margaret SNIDER 1800 Botetourt-1882 Roane
-1840-50 Floyd Co, VA PPTL: Thomas MITCHELL
-1850 Floyd Co, VA; Census: Thos MITCHELL 58 farmer b Amelia; Margaret 49 b Roanoke; Susan S 31 b Roanoke; Thomas P 20 farmer b Montgomery (m w/i yr); George W 17 (?19) b Floyd (m w/i yr); Mary O 15; Nancy A 12; Charles F 10; Margaret E 6; all b Floyd [W.Dist#15,p377:#753] [NB Roanoke=1838 fm Botetourt]
-1860 Roane Co, VA; Census: Thomas MITCHELL 68 farmer, RE 1800, PE 150, b VA; Margaret 59; George W 27; Charles F 20; Margaret 17; George W 3; John W 2 [last 2 grandchildren? – see A3E6] [RoxalanaPO,p571,#203]
-1866 Roane Co, WV Will 1 Feb 1866: Thomas MITCHELL: wife Peggy; Sons & Daughters: John A, William V, Granville P, Samuel S; Henry S; James V; Thomas S; Mary C; Nancy W and Margarett E; George W & Charles F executors. Probate 16 May 1866.
A. Granville P MITCHELL b c1818; d aft 1866? remained in Virginia.
B. Susan S MITCHELL b 1819 Botetourt [FL5]; died a spinster at seventy-two years of age.
C. James V MITCHELL b c1821; d aft 1866?; married and remained in Virginia.
D. Henry S MITCHELL b c1822 VA; m Mary HARMON; bought the Doty Tanyard in Spencer, Roane Co, WV
1. Mary MITCHELL m John “Pat” MURPHY, who was Spencer’s best blacksmith, a merchant a few years and died here
2. James M MITCHELL m Mary E. CROUSE from Fayette Co
A. Martin MITCHELL, now (1926) in the motion picture business in Detroit;
C. Minnie MITCHELL, a school teacher;
F. Daisy MITCHELL 1890-1891 Roane Co, WV
3. Nancy “Nannie” Jane MITCHELL, m 1876 Charles C CLEAVENGER (son of Bailey & )
D. Carrie (known as “Dock”) CLEAVENGER
4. Harriett MITCHELL b Floyd Co, VA
5. Julia A MITCHELL b Roanoke Co, VA
E* William Vaughn MITCHELL 1824 Botetourt-1895 Roane Co, WV; m a1844 Ellender “Ellen” UNDERWOOD c1825 Franklin Co, VA-1915 Plant City, OH ; 1850 Floyd Co; 1860 Roane Co
-1850 Floyd Co, VA PPTL: Wm V MITCHELL
-1850 Floyd Co, VA; Census: William MITCHELL 27 laborer b Roanoke; Ellen 25 b Franklin; Elizabeth 5 ; Robt/Roth 3; Lewis 3/12; ch b Floyd
1. Mary Elizabeth “Lizzie” MITCHELL b 1845 Floyd Co, VA[FL5]; Spencer; m John HUFF (son of Mose (or Anthony) HUFF),
A. Albert HUFF
2. Robert M MITCHELL b 1847 Floyd Co, VA [FL5]; never married
3. Lewis M MITCHELL b 1850 Floyd Co, VA; m 1877 m Nannie R CONRAD, of Reedy, Wirt Co, WV (Jacob&Abigail)
A. Esther B MITCHELL b 4 Aug 1878.
B. Oakland Kenna MITCHELL b 7 May 1880, who lives at Reedy, in Roane County
C. Rufus MITCHELL lives at Parkersburg, West Virginia
4. James H MITCHELL b 1853
5* Charles Thomas MITCHELL 1854 Roane-1898 Kanawha Co, WV; m 1878 Roane Co, WV Sophia Eunice BUTCHER 1856 Roane Co, VA-1939 Point Pleasant, Mason Co, WV (John )
A. Wilda Vernon “Gid” MITCHELL b 1880 Walton, WV; m 1907 Roane Co Dr. James “Jimmie” Isaac JUSTICE
1. James Vernon JUSTICE 1908-1908 Roane Co, WV
2. Charles Theodore JUSTICE b 1911 Louisville,KY; UPI; m 1936 Greenup Co, KY Ruby JORDAN
A. William Theodore JUSTICE b 1937 Kenova, WV
B. Wilda Sue JUSTICE b 1944 Phoenix, AZ
C. Melissa JUSTICE
3. William Mitchell JUSTICE b 1915 Baltimore, MD; d 1931 Logan
4. Gordon Nolan JUSTICE 1916 Roane Co, WV-1994 Jacksonville, FL; m Helan Dean FLOWERS
A. Jewell Eunice JUSTICE b 1942
B. Icie S. MITCHELL 1882-1884 Roane Co, WV, age 2y 5m 6d
C* Blanche Olive MITCHELL b 1885 Walton, WV; clerk in a Charleston bank; m 1907 Monroe, MI Ira Stump BARTLETT 1869-1919 Spencer, WV
1. James Vincent BARTLETT b 1917 Pt Pleasant; m 1941 Betty Vars BAKER
A. James Vincent BARTLETT, Jr b 1943 Hanover, NH
B. David Mitchell BARTLETT b 1945 Troy, NY
D. Verna Ellen MITCHELL b 1887; m 1904 Spencer, WV Samuel A SIMMONS b 1881 Roane Co, WV
1. Charles Edward SIMMONS 1905-1906
2. Richard Lincoln SIMMONS b 1908 Spencer, WV; m 1932 KY Sarah Elizabeth NEASE b 1912 Charleston, WV
A. Edward Carlton SIMMONS b 1935 Charleston, Kanawha Co, WV
B. Elizabeth Ann SIMMONS b 1938 Charleston, Kanawha Co, WV
E. Clyde Talmage MITCHELL b 1893 Charleston, WV; linotype man, m 1921 Bluefield, WV Daniese HOLROYD
1. Anna Jean MITCHELL b 1929 Logan Co, WV
6. George W MITCHELL 1857
F. John A MITCHELL b c 1825
-1848-50 Floyd Co, VA PPTL: John A MITCHELL
G. Samuel S MITCHELL b c1827; d aft 1866?; remained in Floyd Co, VA, teacher of vocal music; during war, 1861-5, went South
-1848-49 Floyd Co, VA PPTL: Saml S MITCHELL
H. Thomas Pride MITCHELL b 1830 Montgomery [FL5], 1m a1850 Harriett HARMON; 2m Miss COMBS; no child; she died
1. George Washington MITCHELL b 1856, long of lower Harper District, m 1880 Mary S. M. HOPKINS.
2. John W MITCHELL b 1857 Floyd Co, VA: went to Oregon and is believed to have died in Portland of that State.
(H) Thomas P MITCHELL 2m 19 Nov 1863 Roane Co, WV Angaline CAMP b 1845 (Waren & Eliza)
-1863 Roane Co, WV; Mar; 19 Nov 1863: Thomas P MITCHELL 34 (Widower) Roane Co, s/o Thomas & Margaret m Angaline CAMP 18 b Giles Co, VA res Roane Co d/o Waren & Eliza
(H) Thomas Pride MITCHELL 3m 6 Jul 1865 Roane Co, WV Nancy EDWARDS (John + Lidia)
-1865 Roane Co, WV Mar 6 Jul 1865: Thomas P MITCHELL 36 (Widower) Roanoke Co, VA res Roane Co s/o Thomas & Margaret m Nancy EDWARDS 30 Mercer Co, res Roane Co, d/o John & Lidia
3. Charles MITCHELL b 1866 m Elizabeth Margaret SANTEE; four sons, two daughters
4. Sarah Jane MITCHELL.
I. George Washington MITCHELL b 1832 Floyd [FL5,R6]; m 3 Mar 1863 Roane Co, WV Sarah GREATHOUSE b 1838 Harrison Co, VA
-1863 Roane Co, WV Mar 3 Mar 1863: George W MITCHELL 31 b Floyd Co, VA res Roane Co, s/o Thomas & Margaret m Sarah GREATHOUSE 24 b Harrison Co, VA, res Roane Co, d/o John & Catharine
1. John S MITCHELL b Jun 1865
2. William MITCHELL b Jun 1867
3. Nancy MITCHELL S b Jun 1869
J. Mary O MITCHELL 1835 Floyd Co, VA[FL5]; d 1881; m 1859 Roane Co, VA Elijah WAGGONER 1834 Lewis Co
-1860 Roane Co, VA; Census: Elijah WAGGONER 25 farmer b Lewis; Mary O 25 b Floyd; [RoxalanaPO,p571,#204]
K. Nancy A MITCHELL 1838 Floyd Co, VA [FL5]; m 1854 Gorden FARLEY b 1835 Logan Co, VA; of Rush Creek
-1860 Roane Co, VA; Census: Gordon FARLEY 26 farmer b Logan; Nancy H 32 b Floyd; Matilda Isabel 7 b Jackson; Margaret M 5 b Jackson; Sarah A 4 b Roane [RoxalanaPO,p571,#206]
1. Matilda Isabel FARLEY 1854 Jackson Co, VA [R6]; d 1873
2. Margaret M FARLEY b 17 Jun 1855 Jackson Co, VA
3. Sarah A FARLEY b 8 Nov 1856 Roane Co, VA
L. Charles F MITCHELL b 1840 [FL5,R6]; died in the Union service of the War of 1861 to 1865.
M. Margeret Elizabeth MITCHELL b 1844 Floyd Co, VA[FL5,R6]; m 1882 Roane Co, WV Elijah WAGGONER b 1834 Lewis Co
4. Martha “Marthy” MITCHELL 1794 Amelia-1860; m 1830 Montgomery Co, VA Enos GOODWIN bc1790 PA
5. Sarah “Sally” MITCHELL c1797/8 Amelia-1882 Tazwell Co, VA; m 1819 Botetourt Nathan DEATON c1799-1867 VA
6. Obediance MITCHELL 1800-1872 Floyd Co, VA; m 1835 Montgomery Co, VA John N BEAMER
7. Fabius L MITCHELL 1803-1863 Floyd Co, VA; m 1835 Botetourt Co, VA Mary Anne STOVER 1815-1887 Floyd Co, VA
-1845-50 Floyd Co, VA PPTL: Flabius L MITCHELL
8. John MITCHELL, Jr c1804-1882; m 1835 Mont Co, VA Lydia CHAPMAN c1811-Floyd Co, VA
-1848-49 Floyd Co, VA PPTL: John MITCHELL (T son)
9. Ellen MITCHELL c1806->1836; m 1835 Mont Co, VA John ROBINSON
10. James V MITCHELL 1808->1836; m 1828 Botetourt Co, VA Rebecca STOVER

Monday, October 6, 2008

To the family...

I scanned an ID card that Mom found recently. It was from a time when I served as a Senate Page in Sacramento one Spring Break. (Back then we called it Easter Vacation). The ID is dated April 1955. I was 14. The photo is a school photo probably taken in Sept 1954. Yes there was a year called 1954.